Saturday, July 25, 2009


I keep seeing online the idea that passion is a qualification to be a writer. Sure it is, but don't misplace it. Writing is work. A good wordsmith puts a lot of skullsweat into finding the best way to take the pictures in his head, and put them into the reader's head.

In a quest story, the genre of LOTR, you could say something like:
The group of lost explorers huddled in their camp on the mountain. They prayed to Jove, god of the sky for guidance. There's was a meteor shower. It was enough to let them know Jove was still watching out for them.
The next day they saw an eagle. It led them west through the mountain pass that they hadn't been able to find in the previous days storm.

Same story:(paraphrasing John Denver) On the rocky mountain high, we prayed to the gods for guidance. The storm hadn't let up for days and the last of the food was long gone. Hunger had many in cramps and frostbite was threatening fingers. Directly overhead, we saw it raining fire in the sky. It was an omen. Jove, god of the sky had answered or pleas. We could rest now. In the morning an eagle's flight called us to dance on the west wind. It led us through the pass Jove had opened before us. We were free. The new settlement would honor Jove above above all other gods, as a token of respect.

Or which is better? (based on the movie Transformers):
Fly the fighters to latitude 41 degrees north by longitude 17 degrees east and saturate the area with bullets. -or-
Look for the orange smoke and Bring On The Rain!

The passion you have should be in your life, not sitting in front of a computer. Do you see having a passion for numbers as a requirement for an accountant? No, it's a skill to be learned. You need the interest to learn that skill, though. For fantasy writers the passion is to reach beyond the mundane and take others with you.

So you're 15 and can't take off for the Colorado mountains. Is there a place to hike? Can you check out the sporting goods store at the mall? Why does a tent claim to sleep four when it's six feet on each side? If you are asked where to vacation, can you pick a state park instead of a theme park? Can you rent a canoe for a day on the lake? I promise you, you'll show a better adventure if you have guideposts. Say yes to passion, but live it, not desparately seek it. Your stories will only be improved.

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